It’s All Perspective


11 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Retirement Lifestyle / Nomadic Adventurer
    Mar 24, 2015 @ 22:07:19

    Now that’s funny, I’m still smiling. LOL!



  2. lbeth1950
    Mar 25, 2015 @ 19:23:18

    Never thought of that!

    Liked by 1 person


  3. sonniq
    Mar 26, 2015 @ 09:17:48

    I know the life I had earlier in life was more chaotic, but my dreams for my future are bigger. If they come true I’m going to be very busy. Can my health now handle it? But without a dream what would I do?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Phyllis
      Mar 26, 2015 @ 12:32:16

      Yea for you! That chaos left the gifts that you choose to sift through and re-tool. Turn those big dreams into intentions (they have more power)!
      (check my website if you’d like some ideas or help for health or intentions- )

      Liked by 1 person


      • sonniq
        Mar 27, 2015 @ 17:47:10

        Going through life with dreams is a whole lot better than just wishing you had the guts to have a dream. There is a saying I use a lot. “There are people who make things happen. There are people who watch things happen and there are people who say – what happened?” And i will check out your site.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Dewin Nefol
    Mar 28, 2015 @ 15:39:06

    Hey Phyllis,

    Another great quote to head up a Blog-post. Thank you.

    With little effort, these unique words eloquently describe the tragedy of a World that turns on an axis of gold. That even in our most accomplished hour when humankind left Earth and journeyed to another ‘world’, the ultimate consideration in achieving success was reduced to monetary value. It is the same distinguishing feature of our modern world that all-to-often sees the sacredness of maintaining life balanced precariously against a fiscal value awarded by the choice few who maintain their own wealth and health at the expense of the unfortunate majority.

    One wonders how humankind might have evolved and what achievements might have been made if the artificial construct of money had never dominated and augmented our lives and perpetuated the prevalence of our greedy gene. I like to believe humankind would have been travelling to and from other worlds and living in peace and harmony on our beautiful planet with equality, equity and freedom. After-all, other than the predatory, narcissistic practice of lusting after wealth, greed, and power, all of which are imposed forcibly upon us all, humankind has no other natural predators to enforce their will upon us and hold our lives to ransom. And they call it a progressive world! Yet I fail miserably to find any adequate connection between believing I am star-seed and being required to live in a matrix that defines my worth, and perhaps my chance of longevity solely by the thickness of my wallet…the two seem distanced from each other by a margin greater than the width of the entire Universe.


    DN – 28/03/2015

    Liked by 1 person


    • Phyllis
      Apr 04, 2015 @ 12:09:28

      Ummm- we should have conversation … maybe a virtual picnic? ‘The people’ have become not only deluded, but also diluted haven’t we? We’ve bent over backward so far that it’s either too difficult to regain our position or we can’t seem to find ‘true north’ again.

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Dewin Nefol
    Apr 26, 2015 @ 15:05:44

    Hey Phyllis,

    Please forgive a very late reply…this weary cosmonaut has journeyed 30+ million miles in the last 22 days and had little chance to rest. I’m sorry to have deferred by reply here…I have plenty of catching up to do!

    A virtual picnic you say? Hmmm complete with flavoursome bytes and all-you-can-eat-data I suppose 🙂 Perhaps we shall venture into the world of voiced communication in the near future…it certainly does save time by avoiding the need to tap out the contents of the mind letter by letter, word by word etc.. So we shall see what the future holds…

    I do agree with your choice sentiments. There are many wonderful aspects of life that have it seems been diluted and dissolved by the frantic press of life and the necessity to sustain an existence through the acquisition of money. Long have I held the opinion that those who enforce our contrived and convoluted financial mechanisms are prisoners of delusion and illusion and must be tremendously burdened by the inequality and stratification of civilised society that it generates…although I seriously doubt if their personal perspective permits a view any further than the fastener on their wallet. For the rest of us – the 98% who do not control the world through commercial enterprise, bank ownership and the funding, nay profiteering from the purchase of political power – well, we survive it seems on the fringes of life scraping together titbits and leftovers so generously given to us by our corporate hosts, who incidentally also prescribe a fiscal value to our ‘worth’ within the ‘market place’ of life. It is the same mechanism that sees the professional footballer who kicks an inflated pigs-bladder across a field – albeit with style and panache – but whose contribution to the world is effectively zero being paid 10-20 times more per week than the surgeon who repairs his body and saves his life. Of course the surgeon does not have a marketable value and cannot be capitalised upon to engineer a profit (private practice excluded) – for example, who would be persuaded to buy Surgeon’s Own Special Choice Sausages? Materiality is itself not evil, nor even is money, but the propensity towards greed, lust, wealth, and fiscal buying power are wholly accentuated by its presence and feeds the insatiable hunger of ego led desire. I am not in any way suggesting that individuals who work hard with real determination to succeed in their chosen fields are guilty of avarice because they are not, personal goals and life objectives do not determine the salary provided in the job, for the salary is largely, wholly, determined independently by external fiscal mechanisms. Money is a powerful motivator for it buys choice in life, but it is not the be-all-and-end-all of what really constitutes the fabric of life…Love, Compassion and Kindness. Or are these virtuous qualities only available at a price these days as well? I really do hope that humankind will come to understand that value and worth are as far apart from each other as chalk and cheese. It seems humankind currently promote an understanding of the value of everything but fail miserably to appreciate the true, indivisible worth of anything.

    So yes…in response to your reply, I agree with your perspective and imagine we are not alone….there are possibly 6 billion others on this one ball of rock who if honest probably share our opinions as well.

    Let’s hope for progressive change led by progressive thinking rather than remaining dogged by habit and the Machiavellian aspirations of the few.

    Take care Phyllis. Have a wonderful evening. Until next time…


    DN – 26/04/2015



  6. Dewin Nefol
    Apr 26, 2015 @ 15:20:36

    P.S: I’ve just received notification of a ‘Like’ on my Draconis post! Thank you for your visit and support 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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